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Date(s) - 10/14/2017
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Walking Winds Holistic Center
Take a Soulful Journey Inward to Own Your Power and Discover Peace
An unforgettable day to connect with friends and re-connect with the brilliance that is your soul.
Rejuvenate and refresh your mind and body, surrounded by natural beauty. Focus beyond your daily routine and escape to relax, refresh and
tap into your own unique power.
This will be a very special, personal discovery day with friends and mentors. The best journeys have guides. Our team will inspire your soul, challenge your senses and support you as you own your power and discover peace.
Learn about the foundational elements of Breath Work and the powerful impact
it can have on your well-being. Discover the integral role you play in the universal big picture, the advancement of our soul shine group and of all humanity. Heal false beliefs and set your inner-being free. This day will set you up for success to manage daily anxieties, major life challenges and to be at peace.
What to Expect
Tools to be your best self. No cheesy ice-breakers, no spotlights.
Only a nurturing, genuine peaceful atmosphere to create the space for transformation, wellness and personal development.
An opportunity to get in touch with your true self, transcending your expectations. You will leave with more clarity, courage and positive energy to take on the world.
Registration includes mini-massage, light lunch and snacks.
What to Bring
Yoga mat/sleeping bag, small pillow, light blanket, notebook or journal and pen,
comfortable clothing, open heart, open mind. A friend!
Saturday, October 14th 2017 (8am – 5pm)
WWHC Palm, PA (10 min. South of Emmaus on Rt. 100)
$85 Early Registration ( on or before 10/8)
$99 after 10/8
Go to:
Mary: or (215) 679-7091
Jessica: or ( 484) 515-5770
October 14, 2017
(8:00 – 8:45am) Sign-up for your mini-massage appointment during registration
Welcome and Meet your Event Facilitators (9:00 – 9:30am)
Sheetal Contractor, Natalie Manchorov, Jessica Ramirez, Maggie Wright,
Mary Cameron, Zoey Pius
Just Breathe and Be with Sheetal Contractor (9:30 – 10:00 am)
Breath work is balanced, diaphragmatic breathing that can provide you with more
energy and clarity. Together, we will learn simple, powerful breathing practices called pranayama to ease anxious, unsettled thoughts and emotions. This experience will help you gain better understanding of prana (Life Force Energy) and its relationship with your breathing.
Letting Go of Anxiety Through Art with Natalie Mancharov (10:45 am – 12:00 pm)
In these times of uncertainty, humanity is experiencing tremendous anxiety. Creating art allows us to transform our emotional stressors in a way that is often otherwise difficult to transmute. As you create an art piece, you will be guided to release your anxieties. This experience will free your heart-mind and allow for greater abundance to manifest in your life.
Lunch (12:00 pm – 1:00 pm)
You Are What You Believe with Jessica Ramirez (1:00 pm – 2:15 pm)
From a very young age, we create stories about who we are based on our perception of ourselves and what we experience in our relationships. We also define limits on our abilities that can play a role in what we achieve in our lives. We will identify and examine our core beliefs, even the ones deep down in our subconscious, and shift our awareness in order to heal these beliefs. From there, we will move into a space of personal power and access what we truly want in life.
Emotional Freedom Technique with Maggie Wright (2:30 – 3:15 pm)
This extraordinary healing modality is a unique combination of Chinese medicine and modern psychology. You will learn to harness the power of the mind-body connection and help your body access acupressure points to release overwhelming feelings, stress and anxiety. Practice this technique and apply it when you need it the most.
Bringing Life into Balance with Mary Cameron (3:30 – 4:45 pm)
Our world and lives seem to have gone crazy. How do we maintain balance when life keeps sending us curveballs? We will experience a shamanic releasing of emotions and/or beliefs that no longer serve us. You will be aided by the pure expression of Life itself. You will walk away feeling balanced and ready to take on life.
LATE REGISTRATION on or after Oct 8th – $99
Bookings are closed for this event.
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