Date(s) - 07/30/2016
12:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Join Mary and Pat, Shamanic Practitioners in celebrating the Celtic cycle of life, death, rebirth and the magic of these special holy days.
Cost $165 for all 4 seasons or $50.00 a season for existing students payable at Imbolc.
Questions can be taken by contacting Mary or John Cameron at Walking Winds.
Imbolc- (welcoming the return of Spring)
Saturday 01/30/16 – Noon – 9 PM
This is the time when the hammer is thrown down, the ice is cracked and Spring is welcomed in. The seeds buried deep within the earth (and ourselves) are now germinating and so are we. We will group journey in the Spirit boat to the Isle of Eternal Youth.
Beltane – Celtic Summer (Returning to the Light)
Saturday 04/30/16 – Noon – 9 PM
In some traditions, the shaman willingly consumes or takes on another’s illness or suffering to transmute it into less harmful energies that can be returned safely to the greater universe. The Celtic version of this comes down to us in myth and folklore as the Beheading Game. Individually we will discover what is being asked of us to transmute for the world for its Greater Good and the Greater Good of all living things.
Lughnasadh (Lugh’s Feast)
Saturday 07/030/16 – Noon – 9 PM
Shamanic Death Ritual: When going into battle the Celts would say, “Today is a great day to die.” Through this ritual we die to that which no longer serves us and we step forward into a new walk that the ancestors ask of us. Together we create exactly what we need to grow, to reach a little farther to grow beyond our fears and embrace ourselves. In co-creating with the Ancients we step in this moment into who we really are and we serve the world by doing so.
Samhain Celebration (The Celtic New Year)
Saturday 10/29/16 – Noon – 9 PM
The Wild Hunt is a form of ritual battle against the coming forces of death and destruction. Here at the gateway of Samhain, we work with the Bone Mother to help the souls of the dead cross over, as we gently sing them home. The Fomorian gods of chaos are kept at bay as we dance the hunt in a collective shamanic experience.
This experience includes, a Celtic Fire Ceremony with the Ancient Wicker Man, and the Wild Hunt; a Collective Shamanic Experience.
Bookings are closed for this event.
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